יום ראשון, 4 במאי 2008

Sick Betta Fish - Betta Fish Constipation

These notes are for educational purposes only. Attempts have been made to verify the accuracy of this document, but you should consult your normal qualified expert such as a Vet. If you decide to act on this information without consulting such an expert, you do so at your own volition as I cannot be held responsible for action you take. This said I have made it my business to check and re-check everything that has been inserted here.
Constipation is not what is commonly known as a disease, but it is pointed out here as betta fish commonly suffer from it. The symptoms to look out for are:
Swollen stomach
Lousy appetite
Over-feeding with foods such as flake foods, freeze dried bloodworms or brine shrimp can be the cause of your betta fish having constipation. While this food is okay, you should feed your bettas live food now and again, giving them a variety in the diet. In the wild the bettas eat insects and such, they wait until they see a hapless insect drop onto the surface of the shallow water they live in and quickly come to the surface to catch them. Therefore in order to maintain a healthy betta fish, you should not only feed them with the frozen or dried foods.
To remedy the constipation, instead of their normal food, for 24 - 48 hours feed them with small pieces of cooked skinless pea (get it from the pet store). Sometimes the betta will refuse to eat the pea, if that happens you will have to starve him for the allotted time as the fish needs to have his system cleaned out. If the pea feeding is successful you will plainly see the deposits on the floor of the aquarium and the swelling in your bettas' stomach will be reduced.
The pea acts as roughage and slowly does its job of cleaning out the bettas' system. Failing this treatment, all you will be able to do is wait and let nature take over.

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