יום ראשון, 4 במאי 2008

The Joys of Beta Fish Breeding

There are educational values as well as many joys to be found when dealing with any type of animals. Betta fish are certainly no exception. You can breed Betta fish in your own home with your children, or in a classroom as a science project.
Either way, children will be able to learn a lot about the care and breeding of the fish throughout the process, and many of the lessons learned will stay with them and can be applied to their own lives in the future.
When beginning your project, make sure that you keep the male and female Betta fish in separate tanks, or if you only have a single tank be sure to place a clear separator between them in it, so that the male does not get too aggressive towards the female early on. Once the male and female Betta fish get used to each other you can put them together to begin the mating process in your breeding tank. The optimal breeding tank conditions are five inches of water depth, which should be kept at about 80 to 82 degrees.
After a short courtship process they will mate and once the eggs are safely in the male Betta's bubble nest, take the female out of the tank. The male will take care of the eggs until they hatch and at that point you will need to also remove the male so he does not eat the baby fish.
You should now have at least several hundred fish! You can begin moving them into separate tanks after about two weeks and if you choose to sell them, you can begin sending them to new homes as well! Make sure you watch the fish closely for aggressiveness until they've been separated, and enjoy your new Betta fish!

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