יום ראשון, 4 במאי 2008

Betta Fish Breeding Guide

Some fish owners want to become betta fish breeding experts. While there's certain difference in the amount of knowledge experts and advanced betta lovers have, when it comes to betas they are rather easy to breed.
The betta fish is hardy and can live in diverse conditions, so the first thing to do is to find a female betta.

It's not as simple as it sounds. Most pet stores have only male bettas on sale, because they are more vibrant and flamboyant. Female betta fish are pretty dull compared to their male counterparts. However, if you ask your local pet store nicely, you may be pointed in the right direction. Otherwise, search on the web.

Female betas have one certain advantage over male betas they can live together peacefully, while two males will begin fighting. That's just how nature works, nothing to be done here.

So when you've got a couple of female bettas in your tank, start feeding them normally, as you would feed any betta. Betta fish breeding assume females must be healthy, or they won't spawn. And health comes from food, naturally. When the diet regime is right, you may notice that male betta started building a bubble nest, and that the female betta started to look decidedly plumper.

Here comes your part. No, you should never leave betas to do their things their own way. Your help may be required! Male betta can attack the female too vigorously with his amorous activities. To protect the female betta, you may need to separate it from the male counterpart for a couple of days for the fish to recover.

When they are ready to breed, you'll notice what is called 'hugging'; the male betta will wrap the female fertilizing the eggs with his sperm as she produces them.

Then the male betta will start placing the eggs in the bubble nest he'd built. For the next days, he will be looking after it and scooping up the eggs that occasionally pop out of the nest. That's his daddy duty. Quite fascinating to watch really! By this time, you can scoop the female betta out of the tank since that's it for her, really.

After about 2-3 days, small fry will begin emerging in the bubble nest. Small betas need to stay in the nest for over a day because their gills aren't developed enough.

When you see the little betas swim independently, be sure to remove their daddy from the tank, or he can devour the brood… such things happen.

Feeding the baby fish is difficult. Some people engaged in breeding betta fish say that no matter what the do, the young generation dies. I believe this has something to do with the water conditions. In the wild the water isn't as pure as it is sold in pet stores. Natural water contains all kinds of microscopic little beasties and flora that is hard to maintain in a fish tank.

Take some large jar (that allows plenty of oxygen to dissolve in the water), fill it with some water from the tank, and put in some straw (you may use grass as well, but you never know what kind of pesticides were used on it). Leave the jar where there is direct sunlight. After about 2-4 days you will see the water filling itself with all kinds of crippling creatures. Harvest an ounce or two from the top, and then put it straight into the tank with baby betta fish.

After about two weeks or so, you may start feeding young bettas with other stuff like crushed flake food and I mean finely crushed. Small betas don't need much food a tiny pinch would suffice.

By about 7 weeks, young betas would have reached about 1 inch in size. This is the time to separate them into individual small jars. As time goes by, you should be able to tell the male and female betas apart. So as you see betta fish breeding involves quite some efforts, but it's worth that.

Kelly Wright writes articles on betta fish breeding, care, and feeding. Visit betta fish blog for more great tips which will help you in your hobby, or go directly to betta breeding guide for a detailed set of instructions.

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