יום ראשון, 4 במאי 2008

Breeding Betta Fish for Profit

Breeding Betta fish can be somewhat difficult if you have never done it before, or if you do not have a lot of patience. However, if you can get past the particular things that can make Betta fish a little more difficult to breed, then you should be able to turn a pretty good profit, and have fun along the way.
These include things such as keeping the water temperature a comfortable 80-82 degrees, and making sure you remove the female and male Bettas at the right times.
You will also be the proud caretaker of up to 1000 baby fish! Not all the fry will live, but there will most likely be several hundred and you will be able to sell them within a few weeks.
You will need to decide whether you are going to provide a nice habitat to go along with the fish, or if you are going to just have them in a glass or plastic fish cup until they get home with their new owners. You may be able to get a larger profit if you add a bowl and plant fixture; that has been popular in years past.
If you have the option for a plant/bowl aquarium, some people are willing to pay extra for those features. With several hundred fish out of each breeding, you should be able to turn out a fair profit from breeding your Betta fish. Just be sure to pay close attention to the adult fish through the process and you'll have fun too!

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