Betta fish can also be placed with other fish. This truth is often unnoticed due to the fighting nature of the Beta. It is suggested that the other fish be smaller in size then the beta fish.
The tank friends for the betta fish may include:
Platies - The southern platy fish is a type of freshwater fish. It grows to a maximum size of 6.0 cm (2.4 in). Sexual dimorphism is small, the male's caudal fin being more pointed. Wild varieties are dull in coloration, deficient of the typical dark lateral line common to many Xiphophorus species. Breeders have developed a large number of color varieties which are ordinary aquarium fish for hobbyists. Platys are trouble-free to maintain and compatible to a community aquarium. This fish is generally sold in pet shops
Swordtails - It is native to an area of North and Central America extending from Veracruz, Mexico, to northwestern Honduras. The male green swordtail grows to an average size of 14cm (5.5in) and the female to 16 cm (6.3 in). Sexual dimorphism is reasonable, with the female being larger than the male but missing the "sword". The wild variety is olive green in color, with a red or brown side stripe and speckles on the dorsal and, occasionally, caudal fins. Confined breeding has created many color varieties, including black, red, and numerous patterns thereof, for the aquarium hobby.
Cory Cats - Cory Cats are some of the most nonviolent and interesting scavengers for a freshwater aquarium, and will flourish in a wide variety of water conditions. These catfish are very active hunters who remain comparatively small. As a result of this, they are ideal for keeping the substrate uncontaminated in a smaller freshwater community aquarium. They have a preference to be in schools of 6 or more but many people place one or two Cory cats in their smaller tanks. Neon Tetras - The neon tetra is until now one of the most excellent community fish there is on the market. Placed in a school of 6 or more, these little guys are a tremendous scene swimming around the aquarium and chasing each other back and forth. Neons are very passive and quite small, so shouldn't be placed with very large fish which might find it a delicious meal. When placed with other fish, think about the violent behavior and size of possible tank-mates. Neons cannot be placed with killer type fish or anything that is large sufficiently to eat them, including the naive looking Angelfish.
Cardinal Tetras - The Cardinal Tetra is one of the most preferred fish to have in a tank, primarily for the reason of its splendid coloration. On the other hand, maintaining these little fish have the need of a definite knowledge that many possessors do not have. These fish are tremendously hard to breed in detention, almost all of the fish available in shops have been taken from the Amazon basin, and sadly thousands of them die every year in unsuitable tanks. It is rather ordinary, for example, to see a little kid walk into a shop with a few coins and buy one or two cardinals to add to his goldfish bowl.
White cloud mountain minnow - The White Cloud Mountain minnow is an extremely resilient species of freshwater fish often placed in aquaria. This species grows to an average size of 4 cm (roughly 1.5 in), and is silver-green in color with a vivid red caudal fin. A number of varieties are known, one with vivid light edges to the dorsal and anal fins and one with red edges to those fins. Also, there is a long-finned variety. Sexual dimorphism is small, the male usually possessing more radiant coloration and having a a little slimmer body.
Zebra Danios - Among the most resilient and lively of aquarium fish, the Zebra danio is easily known by its typical horizontal stripes. Their small size, no more than two and half inches, and passive temperament, make them compatible to a community aquarium. Albino, veil tailed, and long finned ranges are obtainable, as well as a well-liked leopard variety. All varieties flourish in schools.
Cherry Barbs - The Cherry Barb is a gorgeous, nonviolent fish. It makes a brilliant community fish and is best if placed in groups of 6 or more. The females are easy to differentiate, once they grew older. They are much lighter in color, generally just with some yellow and a light orange/black straight band. The female is also very plumper than the male. All in all, the cherry barb is an outstanding community fish and makes a beautiful addition to any tank.
The tank friends for the betta fish may include:
Platies - The southern platy fish is a type of freshwater fish. It grows to a maximum size of 6.0 cm (2.4 in). Sexual dimorphism is small, the male's caudal fin being more pointed. Wild varieties are dull in coloration, deficient of the typical dark lateral line common to many Xiphophorus species. Breeders have developed a large number of color varieties which are ordinary aquarium fish for hobbyists. Platys are trouble-free to maintain and compatible to a community aquarium. This fish is generally sold in pet shops
Swordtails - It is native to an area of North and Central America extending from Veracruz, Mexico, to northwestern Honduras. The male green swordtail grows to an average size of 14cm (5.5in) and the female to 16 cm (6.3 in). Sexual dimorphism is reasonable, with the female being larger than the male but missing the "sword". The wild variety is olive green in color, with a red or brown side stripe and speckles on the dorsal and, occasionally, caudal fins. Confined breeding has created many color varieties, including black, red, and numerous patterns thereof, for the aquarium hobby.
Cory Cats - Cory Cats are some of the most nonviolent and interesting scavengers for a freshwater aquarium, and will flourish in a wide variety of water conditions. These catfish are very active hunters who remain comparatively small. As a result of this, they are ideal for keeping the substrate uncontaminated in a smaller freshwater community aquarium. They have a preference to be in schools of 6 or more but many people place one or two Cory cats in their smaller tanks. Neon Tetras - The neon tetra is until now one of the most excellent community fish there is on the market. Placed in a school of 6 or more, these little guys are a tremendous scene swimming around the aquarium and chasing each other back and forth. Neons are very passive and quite small, so shouldn't be placed with very large fish which might find it a delicious meal. When placed with other fish, think about the violent behavior and size of possible tank-mates. Neons cannot be placed with killer type fish or anything that is large sufficiently to eat them, including the naive looking Angelfish.
Cardinal Tetras - The Cardinal Tetra is one of the most preferred fish to have in a tank, primarily for the reason of its splendid coloration. On the other hand, maintaining these little fish have the need of a definite knowledge that many possessors do not have. These fish are tremendously hard to breed in detention, almost all of the fish available in shops have been taken from the Amazon basin, and sadly thousands of them die every year in unsuitable tanks. It is rather ordinary, for example, to see a little kid walk into a shop with a few coins and buy one or two cardinals to add to his goldfish bowl.
White cloud mountain minnow - The White Cloud Mountain minnow is an extremely resilient species of freshwater fish often placed in aquaria. This species grows to an average size of 4 cm (roughly 1.5 in), and is silver-green in color with a vivid red caudal fin. A number of varieties are known, one with vivid light edges to the dorsal and anal fins and one with red edges to those fins. Also, there is a long-finned variety. Sexual dimorphism is small, the male usually possessing more radiant coloration and having a a little slimmer body.
Zebra Danios - Among the most resilient and lively of aquarium fish, the Zebra danio is easily known by its typical horizontal stripes. Their small size, no more than two and half inches, and passive temperament, make them compatible to a community aquarium. Albino, veil tailed, and long finned ranges are obtainable, as well as a well-liked leopard variety. All varieties flourish in schools.
Cherry Barbs - The Cherry Barb is a gorgeous, nonviolent fish. It makes a brilliant community fish and is best if placed in groups of 6 or more. The females are easy to differentiate, once they grew older. They are much lighter in color, generally just with some yellow and a light orange/black straight band. The female is also very plumper than the male. All in all, the cherry barb is an outstanding community fish and makes a beautiful addition to any tank.
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