יום ראשון, 4 במאי 2008

Show Your Betta You Care: 5 Steps to a Clean Betta Tank

While betta fish can handle water that is stagnant they do need the water to be cleaned regularly. Since they're not usually kept in tanks with aeration systems it's important to keep an eye on your tank. It's a good rule of thumb to change the water every week in a five-gallon tank. If your betta's container is smaller, you may need to change it daily or every couple of days. If the water is getting cloudy or smells bad, then clean it!
Step Number 1: Carefully remove your betta from the tank and put it in a small dish. To remove the betta use a small fish net. Try to keep startling the fish to a minimum and be careful not to damage their fins.

Go ahead and use old water from the tank in the dish. This is important as it minimizes shock to your betta. Remember to use a dish that they can't jump out of!

Step Number 2: Clean the tank. Save the old water before you begin cleaning the tank. When you do start on the tank be sure to remove any algae or scum that has grown to the sides of the tank. Use some elbow grease if you need to. Don't use soap on the sides. If you're cleaning regularly there shouldn't be anything on them that you can't just wipe off. Step Number 3: Clean your tank accessories. Remember to clean the stones, objects, cover, and anything else you've got in the tank. A good rinse and wipe should be fine. Just be sure to clean all of the scum off.

Step Number 4: Replace some of the water. You do not want to swap out all of the water at one time. This would be a shocking environment change to your betta. Look to change about 50% of the water whenever you change your Betta's water. Fill the remaining space with clean water that's about 78 degrees F. If you alter the water temperature too much it could be stressful to your betta when you put them back into the tank. At this point you'll add your tap water conditioner, aquarium salt, and anything else you're going to put in there.

Step Number 5: Carefully add your fish back. Leave them alone for a while to let them get over the shock of the water change. If you've been careful handling them and maintaining your old tank water then it shouldn't take them long to be back up to snuff!

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